If you want to start a new business, there are two main points you should consider : Business Idea and Business Plan.
Let's divided business ideas into 2 types: trading and producing.
In trading, you buy some products and then you sell it. You get profit by selling it with higher price.
In producing, you produce something then you sell it. It can be food, drink, design, or something else.
Homework for today : List your ideas, keep it and wait for next instruction from me :)
Let's grow a business!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Keys to Love

the ability to comprehend not only the spoken word,
but those unspoken gestures,
the little things that say so much by themselves...
The key to love is forgiveness...
to accept each other's faults and pardon mistakes,
without forgetting - but with remembering what you learn from them...
The key to love is trust...
though dark doubts lie in hollowed thoughts,
it must shine brightly on with reassuring radiance
that suppresses fear with faith...
The key to love is sharing...
facing your good fortunes as well as the bad, together
both conquering problems - forever searching for ways
to intensify your happiness...
The key to love is giving...
without thought of return,
but with the hope of just a simple smile and by giving in,
but never up...
The key to love is respect...
realizing that you are two separate people with different ideas,
that you don't belong to each other,
but that you belong with each other and share a mutual bond...
The key to love is inside us all...
it takes time and patience to unlock all the ingredients
that will take you to its threshold,
it is a continual learning process that demands a lot of work...
but the rewards are more than worth the effort...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Family Comes Together

Family comes together. For always and forever
In sickness and in health. In poverty or in wealth
Family comes together. For always and forever
Without any reason. Anytime or any season
Family comes together. For always and forever
In death or in life. In happiness or in strife
Family comes together. For always and forever
In anger or in kindness. Whether all seeing or in blindness
Family comes together. For always and forever
Whether for work or for play. They somehow find a way
For family to come together. Because families are forever.
(Glaedr the poet)
Please think about your family now..if you are busy, remember to think about them before you'll go to sleep. Do you love them enough? Do you care about them enough?
Think about it..:)
In sickness and in health. In poverty or in wealth
Family comes together. For always and forever
Without any reason. Anytime or any season
Family comes together. For always and forever
In death or in life. In happiness or in strife
Family comes together. For always and forever
In anger or in kindness. Whether all seeing or in blindness
Family comes together. For always and forever
Whether for work or for play. They somehow find a way
For family to come together. Because families are forever.
(Glaedr the poet)
Please think about your family now..if you are busy, remember to think about them before you'll go to sleep. Do you love them enough? Do you care about them enough?
Think about it..:)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Be Aware of Investment Deceit

First, a company that multiply your money masked as MLM.
- High registration fee which is part of it will be given as recruitment fee.
- As a member, you have to buy some products in big quantity and that company will give
you big discount too.
you big discount too.
- No legal agreement.
Second, binary pattern.
- You have to buy some products.- You have to find 2 investors and they have to buy some products too as you did before.
- If downline network reach certain point, game will be over. Game will start by finding
2 investors again.
2 investors again.
- If progress of your two subordinates doesn't balance, you won't get any bonus.
Third, matrix pattern.
- You have to store money, for example US$50-US$150, to a company. After few months, you
are promised to get some bonus profit.
are promised to get some bonus profit.
- You have to find other investors. If network doesn't work, you'll get nothing.
Fourth, "Black Bank" investment.
- You will be promised to get huge profit. Logically, there is no investment that will
give you huge profit in short term.
give you huge profit in short term.
- At the beginning, you will get some profit. Where does the money come from? They get
the money from other member deposit.
the money from other member deposit.
- If they get huge amount of money, they will go away as you never know.
Remember, don't be such a greedy man.
~ God won't count the money, but our behaviour about the money ~
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Safe Investment, Happy Life
Nowadays, many people race to invest their money. Be careful, we'll end up with nothing if we choose the wrong way. Sometimes, you may get stress or crazy. Remember, investment is not an instant way to have heaps of money.
These are some choices to invest your money in safety and low risk way:
This type of investment has lower risk than others, but it slowly gains your profit. Jewelry can be specified as deposit too. If you're afraid to take high risk, deposit is a suitable choice for you.
Land, house, and building are some examples of this type of investment. Every year the value of land or building is always increase. But, before buying you should consider the location, city condition, or future prediction. Don't forget to pay more attention certificate and any legal matters.
This one has the higher risk than others but it will also give you the bigger profit.
First, you should have market analysis skill. If you are not capable enough, you can join bank that offers the service. Be careful in choosing the bank, you should choose the trusty one that has transparency and good credibility.
No matter what you choose, don't be hurried in making decisions. Take your time and be wise :)
These are some choices to invest your money in safety and low risk way:
This type of investment has lower risk than others, but it slowly gains your profit. Jewelry can be specified as deposit too. If you're afraid to take high risk, deposit is a suitable choice for you.
Land, house, and building are some examples of this type of investment. Every year the value of land or building is always increase. But, before buying you should consider the location, city condition, or future prediction. Don't forget to pay more attention certificate and any legal matters.
This one has the higher risk than others but it will also give you the bigger profit.
First, you should have market analysis skill. If you are not capable enough, you can join bank that offers the service. Be careful in choosing the bank, you should choose the trusty one that has transparency and good credibility.
No matter what you choose, don't be hurried in making decisions. Take your time and be wise :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Improve Your English
~ Always keep learning. It keeps you young! ~
As globalization comes around us, English as international language is a must. If you want to improve yourself, you should start learn it.
Basically, learning English can specified into these things : reading, writting, listening, and speaking. All these skill are connected to each other. We can learn writting by reading and studying the grammar. In order to have speaking ability, you should
practice listening.
These are some examples that might help you:
- Take an English course, General English program can help you in Grammar while Conversation program can help you in speaking.
- Join an English Club. Usually, all members of an English Club will gather once or twice a week to practice English together. Speaking point will increase if you're active.
- Watching movies, especially the series, affect much your listening and speaking skills.
- Listening songs, this one has similar effect with watching movies.
- Reading books in English.6. Blogging in English. This method is fun, I am in learning process by writting this post :p
Remember, the most important method to improve your English is PRACTICE. Don't be afraid or ashame to make mistake.
Monday, June 09, 2008
True Friendship Never Die
True Friendship. It's not about being popular. You may have many friends or maybe just few of them. It doesn't matter. Friendship, like any kind of relationship, should build with great quality not quantity!
Many people has a lot of friends. They do chatting, telling jokes, or else. But they may have only few people that they can TRUST, they call them Best Friends. Do you have any? Think hard, because you have to find at least 1 person that stay by your side in hard times. Remember that only best friends can bring you to true friendship. These are some words to help you reflect about your friends...
Accepts you as you are
Believes in "you"
Calls you just to say "Hi"
Doesn't give up on you
Envisions the whole of you
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just 'be' with you
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never judges
Offers support
Picks you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirit
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Walks beside you
Xplains things you don't understand
Zaps you nack to reality
That A-Z of Friendship
And no matter how hard you fight it, you fall. And it's scary as hell. Except, if there's an upside to free-falling, it's the chance you give your friends to catch you. ~ From an episode of Grey's Anatomy
Many people has a lot of friends. They do chatting, telling jokes, or else. But they may have only few people that they can TRUST, they call them Best Friends. Do you have any? Think hard, because you have to find at least 1 person that stay by your side in hard times. Remember that only best friends can bring you to true friendship. These are some words to help you reflect about your friends...
Accepts you as you are
Believes in "you"
Calls you just to say "Hi"
Doesn't give up on you
Envisions the whole of you
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just 'be' with you
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never judges
Offers support
Picks you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirit
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Walks beside you
Xplains things you don't understand
Zaps you nack to reality
That A-Z of Friendship
And no matter how hard you fight it, you fall. And it's scary as hell. Except, if there's an upside to free-falling, it's the chance you give your friends to catch you. ~ From an episode of Grey's Anatomy
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Cashmere Mafia
Dear modern man...
you know what this modern woman wants for breakfast?
Maybe oatmeal.
Bacon and eggs if she's craving protein.
Definitely coffee,but relax.
I'm not gonna have you for breakfast, so please don't be such a wimp about women at work.
It's high time to accept the fact that a woman might not just be your co-worker.
She could be your boss,and you're gonna have to be prepared to deal,
to be a man about it in the true sense of the word.
Sure, more working women means more competition,
but instead of being threatened by it,be challenged by it.
Let's bring out the best in each other.
Win or lose, if you're a good sport,everybody wins.
Until you get your head around this,you'll be on your road,and I'll be on mine.
I hope at some point we meet in the middle.
Cheers, the modern woman.
from one eposide of Cashmere Mafia

This short series, Cashmere Mafia, the lives of four ambitious women, who've been longtime best friends since their days at business school, as they try to balance their glamorous and demanding careers with their complex personal lives by creating their own "boys' club" (The Cashmere Mafia) to protect each other and discuss their personal ups and downs as they try to have it all in New York City.
But life is never run as perfect as it seems. Each woman has her own problems. Strong value : True friends will accept us whoever we are and we deserve better life.
you know what this modern woman wants for breakfast?
Maybe oatmeal.
Bacon and eggs if she's craving protein.
Definitely coffee,but relax.
I'm not gonna have you for breakfast, so please don't be such a wimp about women at work.
It's high time to accept the fact that a woman might not just be your co-worker.
She could be your boss,and you're gonna have to be prepared to deal,
to be a man about it in the true sense of the word.
Sure, more working women means more competition,
but instead of being threatened by it,be challenged by it.
Let's bring out the best in each other.
Win or lose, if you're a good sport,everybody wins.
Until you get your head around this,you'll be on your road,and I'll be on mine.
I hope at some point we meet in the middle.
Cheers, the modern woman.
from one eposide of Cashmere Mafia

This short series, Cashmere Mafia, the lives of four ambitious women, who've been longtime best friends since their days at business school, as they try to balance their glamorous and demanding careers with their complex personal lives by creating their own "boys' club" (The Cashmere Mafia) to protect each other and discuss their personal ups and downs as they try to have it all in New York City.
But life is never run as perfect as it seems. Each woman has her own problems. Strong value : True friends will accept us whoever we are and we deserve better life.
Friday, June 06, 2008
My Favourite Quote
~ Worry doesn't remove the sorrow of tomorrow. It removes the strength of today. ~
I've known this quote for 4 years. As time goes by and i know more quotes, this is quote i love the most. Why? There are many parts of our life called worries. You have to decide something big that you may think "If I take the wrong way, there will be no way back..and I'll regretful someday". Is it right?
Lately, my friends talked about who they'll be. After we graduated, we have to search suitable job. But i think once again, what does this "suitable" mean? Do you want a job that suitable your educational background? Or do you want a job that suitable your desire? *these questions can be simply answered when you take appropiate major in university :p*
If you've already worked at a company...maybe you think to resign and search better job.
Or maybe your performance free-falling since you are busy to think or even search the better one.
What i'm going to say here..whatever you concern about your FUTURE, only THIS PRESENT TIME can makes it happens. You should give your best whenever you could.
Your future will be determined by your present efforts. So wake up now from your dreams, and do what you can do today with amazing spirits \(^_^)/
I've known this quote for 4 years. As time goes by and i know more quotes, this is quote i love the most. Why? There are many parts of our life called worries. You have to decide something big that you may think "If I take the wrong way, there will be no way back..and I'll regretful someday". Is it right?
Lately, my friends talked about who they'll be. After we graduated, we have to search suitable job. But i think once again, what does this "suitable" mean? Do you want a job that suitable your educational background? Or do you want a job that suitable your desire? *these questions can be simply answered when you take appropiate major in university :p*
If you've already worked at a company...maybe you think to resign and search better job.
Or maybe your performance free-falling since you are busy to think or even search the better one.
What i'm going to say here..whatever you concern about your FUTURE, only THIS PRESENT TIME can makes it happens. You should give your best whenever you could.
Your future will be determined by your present efforts. So wake up now from your dreams, and do what you can do today with amazing spirits \(^_^)/
Thursday, June 05, 2008
A New Earth

I haven't read this book yet, but from the review i think this is a good book. A woman said this:
Everybody's busy to find peace. But in fact, one little moment, i'm sitting right here talking to you is peace.
Everybody's busy to find peace. But in fact, one little moment, i'm sitting right here talking to you is peace.
This sentences attract me to think. What's that mean?
I think what the woman wants to say is we can find peace everywhere if we want to.
For example : when your boss give you additional jobs (in fact you're already busy enough), you may get angry or you may complain behind your boss. But if you reflect once again, actually you have another choice to take. You can see it as your boss trust you to do the job and he don't trust anyone else. It's quiet awesome :) Then you can enjoy the job and feel peace without anger.
Unfortunately, sometimes or maybe often, we don't see that good one. We just see the negative side, suffering, from one event.
I hope if you read this post, please try to act positive whatever the events are.I don't care whether you success or fail to act right..but at least you try :)
I think what the woman wants to say is we can find peace everywhere if we want to.
For example : when your boss give you additional jobs (in fact you're already busy enough), you may get angry or you may complain behind your boss. But if you reflect once again, actually you have another choice to take. You can see it as your boss trust you to do the job and he don't trust anyone else. It's quiet awesome :) Then you can enjoy the job and feel peace without anger.
Unfortunately, sometimes or maybe often, we don't see that good one. We just see the negative side, suffering, from one event.
I hope if you read this post, please try to act positive whatever the events are.I don't care whether you success or fail to act right..but at least you try :)
Dare to Fail?
How many times do you fail in struggling your desires? Success people has to face the painfull obstacles before winning. Do you remember when you're a baby learning to walk? You fall..but you don't quit. Failure isn't a reason to quit fight.
If you fail, don't blame others, just confess it. Blaming others is only effort to run away from reality. The wisest step is receive failure as a reality. By confessing and receiving, the burden of failure will be lighter and you'll ready to left the failure behind.
There is no relationship between failure and self regard. Your self regard won't be determined by how many times you fail but how you act to face the failure.
Everytime you fall..review your work. Sure, you'll find something to learn so next time will be better. Take a deep breath now and collect the positive mind to do your best.
Failing is natural. It is not strange, not embarrassing, not scary..definitely not!
If you fail, don't blame others, just confess it. Blaming others is only effort to run away from reality. The wisest step is receive failure as a reality. By confessing and receiving, the burden of failure will be lighter and you'll ready to left the failure behind.
There is no relationship between failure and self regard. Your self regard won't be determined by how many times you fail but how you act to face the failure.
Everytime you fall..review your work. Sure, you'll find something to learn so next time will be better. Take a deep breath now and collect the positive mind to do your best.
Failing is natural. It is not strange, not embarrassing, not scary..definitely not!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Why blogging?
What's blogging for? I found many bloggers share about their daily life, promote something, or whatever. Since i have big passion to share something good..then i keep thinking..what do i suppose to share in my blog?
Recently, a friend of mine created blog to motivate many people..that's good! Then it's stimulate me to do blogging..i decided to share inspirational stories that can be used to reflect our daily life.
What do you want in your life? What are your dreams? Everybody wants to be happy and Everybody deserves it! The poor thing is many of them don't know what to do and end up with nothing or maybe something bad.
Are you ready to be happy?
Recently, a friend of mine created blog to motivate many people..that's good! Then it's stimulate me to do blogging..i decided to share inspirational stories that can be used to reflect our daily life.
What do you want in your life? What are your dreams? Everybody wants to be happy and Everybody deserves it! The poor thing is many of them don't know what to do and end up with nothing or maybe something bad.
Are you ready to be happy?
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