Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Higher Procurement Costs, Hit Profitability!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hunting Strategy Definition of E-Business
Berawal dari iseng-iseng baca sinopsis buku-buku, jadi nemu banyak toko buku online (ternyata :p). but..setelah do comparison baik itu dari segi tampilan webnya yang enak diliat, fitur bayarnya, harga bukunya, and the most important thing is bukunya lengkap :) akhirnya terpilihlah
Dari hasil baca-baca ternyata banyak juga yang suka beli buku secara online, lebih gampang dan convenience, selain itu juga harganya lebih murah dibanding beli di toko offline ternama (assumption: u know what i mean :p). Gimana sih strategy definitions-nya? Karena dari banyak orang yang mau develop e-commerce ataupun e-business, cuma sedikit
yang bisa survive dan berkembang.
Berikut ini alternative decisions-nya:
1. E-business channel priorities
Right-channelling: an approach to encourage customers to adopt the appropriate channel. Right-channelling involves devising a contact strategy and tactics, support by technology to reach the right person at the right time, using the right communications channel with a relevant offer, product, or message.
Right-channelling of Encourage customers to buy through online channels by reduced 'internet prices' compared to offline channels and explaining proposition of more choice, more convenience.
2. Organizational restructuring and capabilities
This point is not relevant to be elaborated since did not confirm whether there is any offline store of them. But if a company has offline business and considering to go online, there are some choices, such as: in-house division (integration), joint venture, strategic partnership, or spin-off (separation).
3. Business, service and revenue models
Besides the sales of the books, sell advertising space to earn some money.
4. Marketplace restructuring
This point should be considered if you reviewing new business and revenue models. There are two options: disintermediation and reintermediation. These options can be reviewed from both a buy-side and a sell-side perspective.
5. Market and product development strategies
Strategies to grow sales volume:
a. Market penetration: customer loyalty improvement - points reward to member, special price (discount) for particular books.
b. Market development: has already covered all over Indonesia, but the delivery cost is different to each area. To gain more market outside Jakarta or may be overseas, should considering of building strong and powerful distribution system.
c. Product development: these alternatives could be considered: changing payment models (bundling price of some books), increasing product range.
d. Diversification of products offered (related or unrelated businesses), or collaboration with suppliers or intermediaries.
6. Positioning and differentiation strategies's motto: Toko Buku Online Terdepan dan Terpercaya. And to pursue that, they keep adding new publisher to complete their books offered to customers, and also deliver the books on time.
So, what do you prefer?
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
A Small Retailer Company vs. A Website

- When most people shop online, they go directly to their favorite retail store websites (,,, etc.) and then browse.
- Not many people type in generic items in Google (red socks, for example) and search through "no name" online stores to find what they're looking for.